
Of course, there should come a time when one also breaks one’s schedule.
I have been so used to – in fact, addicted – to my obsessive-compulsive life.
That means, I go through the rigidity of laid-put schedules and plans that I need to do for the day.
Fact 1, I know what clothes to wear when I wake up, before I even go to sleep.
Fact 2, I mentally note, not necessarily in chronological order, the things I need to do, people I need to speak to, meetings to call and attend even before my day starts.
Fact 3, this tediousness helps me make it through the day.
True, I am sometimes thought of being idolatrous to my organized line up of to do’s, but if being idolatrous to this routine gives me peace, productivity and sense of harmony, I really find nothing wrong in it.
True, it does take away the pleasure of a surprise or the miracles of serendipity but I am no longer a wide-eyed teen nor a hopelessly romantic young urban professional who is still slowly finding his right, left and center.
For life’s sake, I am way past 50 and know what is and isn’t good for me!
So today, as I was summoned to go to Pansol, I battled a bit of hesitation to comply. Why? Because I find it difficult to turn my back on the already scheduled plan to edit for the day.
But drive I did – and boy, that solitary time inside the Avanza with me, the music and my personal musings with God gave me a wonderful feeling of peace!
There is nothing that beats being one-on-one with TATAY!
It changed my mood the rest of the day.
(Even if I had to return home at 2:30 the morning after!)
Exodus 18-21
Exodus 18:17-18
Jethro: “What you are doing is not good. 18You and these people who come to you will only wear yourselves out. The work is too heavy for you; you cannot handle it alone…”
The wonderful ministry of delegation
Is only wonderful when the person you delegate your job can be trusted to do the job well. But people being people – and I have, many times in my life, been crushed, singed, burned, disappointed, discouraged and hurt by people – there is always room for errors that you need to look out for in order to make sure that tasks assigned are done in the best possible way. That gives the leader twice as much to do.
(Or am I just being cynical?)
(Or am I just playing “perfect”?)
Exodus 19:12-13
‘Be careful that you do not go up the mountain or touch the foot of it. Whoever touches the mountain shall surely be put to death. 13He shall surely be stoned or shot with arrows; not a hand is to be laid on him. Whether man or animal, he shall not be permitted to live.’
Suddenly, God became distant?
Exodus 20
The Ten Commandments
The moral laws
How important is morality to man?
How important is morality to God?
Exodus 20:26
…do not go up to my altar on steps, lest your nakedness be exposed on it.(
Wala silang underwear?)
Exodus 21
And then the civil laws.
Relationship is what these laws are all about.
Relationship in view of what is good and equal for all.
Relationship with man.
As relationship with man is also relationship with God
who is in all men.
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