Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Something gets awry when you neglect something you are passionate about. Take writing for instance. I enrolled in Journalism not necessarily for the love of writing as a profession but more for the rigid practice of the craft. The goal is to end up hopefully writing a bit more creatively. But now that the wedding of school and work has gone past the honeymoon stage, fatigue sets in, stress begins to build up, the flesh weakens, and the resolve fizzles.

It has been two semesters at Letran since my last entry. I am now 42 units richer in my college transcript with only 5 semesters to go, the Lord willing, and a tad wiser, too.

Wise enough to promise rekindling resolve.
Wise enough to know promises are just, well, promises.
Until you wisen up a bit more to keep true to your promise.

Even if it meant writing just about anything at all.


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