i had to laugh when i checked my profile and noted that the films i listed under the "favourite film" category are all centred on female characters: working girl, notting hill, bridget jones' diary, sliding doors. they also starred some of my favourite screen faces: melanie griffith, julia roberts, renee zellweger, gwyneth paltrow respectively.
when i was asked a similar question in the past, i thought that in a blink of an eye, i'd be able to enumerate a dozen films of good repute, being a certified movie buff. but profoundness eluded me on the spot. what came to mind are those films that i have watched and watched and watched and watched and watched and never got tired of watching all over again.
i took to working girl because the female character persisted on getting to the top in spite of the odds against her and succeeded in doing so. i liked that kind of "inspirational" message. the next three films, i enjoyed primarily because of the anglophile in me. the british accent of the genuine british hugh grant, and the perfectly intoned british-ness of renee z., and gwyneth (who was also brilliant in emma, shakespeare in love and obsession, accent-wise). in notting hill, i did not fall for the illusion it offered (a huge superstar falling for a travel bookstore owner), but i was too entertained to actually entertain the thought of that illusion. in bridget jones, i saw a reflection of several people i know in the persons of the "fuckwit" daniel cleaver and the "uptight" mark darcy. in sliding doors, i terribly enjoyed the newness and originality of the script. it brought to mind another british film of old, something called "betrayal" which actually began with the ending.
the list doesn't stop there though. todate, except for one film (cavalcade), i own an entire collection of oscar best picture winners. there are the james bond series (casino royale not included), 8 of meryl streep's 13 nominated films and a host of classic literature inspired movies lining up my dvd/vcd/vhs shelves.
no, i have not seen them all. but the pleasure of having them is enough for the moment.
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