Yesterday, I sat by the banks of the Goetzenbachsee, a small body of water up the mountains of Goeggingen; not so much of a sight to the locals probably, but to a foreign eye, it offers a corner for solace and reflection, a wide space to breathe in refreshment, and a patch of green to appreciate nature more.
It is impossible not to think of God there, or even for an unbeliever not to acknowledge the existence of a Supreme Being who ordained for the place to be.
The smell of grass and the unchartered movements of the hundreds of organisms that inhabit the roots, the blades and even the fallen leaves from the surrounding birch trees that stood like Buckingham guards beside the lake.
The plopping of fishes as they swam towards the surface for perhaps, a "breath" of fresh air.
The ripples in the water as a mother duck leads her wading ducklings across one side of the water to the other. The chirping of the birds in a cacophony of sounds complementing one another as if playing for the same orchestra or band.
There are a few white butterflies and blue and brown dragonflies and the eternally present grey flies, and two shameless ladybugs unmindful of the prying eyes of this writer, enjoying a good fuck.
Ah, but everything about nature is without a doubt pure, honest, and godly! Like the lake, ladybugs, and fucking.
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