
What gift would you like to receive when you have, or can afford to have, everything tangible there is?
You like to receive something that cannot be wrapped.
You like to receive something that can only be felt.
You like to receive something that can only be given equally and unconditionally.
You like to receive something that can make you warm and hot in equal parts and at the same time.
You like to receive something that can make you feel you are no different than any one.
You like to receive something that you know is the only thing you need.
And you know too that you don’t look for it.
It finds you.
Numbers 1-3
The Census:
Total number of prospective Israeli army circa Moses, not counting the Levites: 603,550!
Total number of firstborn males: 22,273
Total number of Levites: 22,000
Logistic is an important part of people management.
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