There is so much we need to exchange. I don't remember if we've talked about Plato - but you asked about my experience of love and maybe I can point you to one analogy that speaks of my emotional experience – the speech of Aristophanes in the Symposium.
Once upon a time, humans had four arms and two legs, incorporating male and female qualities in one creature. With such strengths, we challenged the gods themselves so Zeus bisected us and scattered us around the world. Nowadays male and female halves meet and get along well enough – but just occasionally the two halves of the same original meet. When that happens, that is Love. The two halves immediately crave to reunite their bodies, in a vain striving to rebuild their former whole. And if they should be again separated - they are inconsolable.
If you have ever felt like that - that is love. Fortunately it is only an analogy. For example it implies that a person can only love once, and that I know to be untrue.
Tell me more about you.
that analogy is charming. like you, i do not believe that love is exclusive. don't get me wrong. i love commitments and i love to be committed. but i also understand that a person can love more than once in his or her life. love is transcendent and it will be undeniably sad if one is confined by convention to be able to love only one person, and then again, only once in his or her lifetime.
what can i say about boring me? nothing much really. however, these are my thoughts as they occur in the here and now. i am a child of the universe, so all the political bullshit that divides race, creed, religion and everything in between are a waste of time. i think that we cannot know God, and all our feeble attempts at trying to uncover him only highlights how very little we know of him. to attempt is to cling to him on a personal and experiential level. i believe that the extremism of some religious fanatics is dangerous. i think we shouldn’t be bound by flags, passports, visas, etc.
i think that i am getting to be a better version of myself. i think that i will be a good partner to someone with the same aspiration. i think i will not be a hindrance to another person’s desires, experimentations, accomplishments and expansions. i know i like the fusion of the experienced and the young.
there is still oh so much to say.
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