vacation coming to a comfortable close. am close to flying back home. coming home is looked forward to. forwarding all thoughts to the usual. usually, the routine. even if routine sometimes flogs you. but i likewise feel being flogged by just not doing anything. so in coming close to the routine, i look forward to doing anything.
have been away. not too long, but not too short either. but have i been rested? the flurry of activities and afterthoughts and emotions packed in four weeks have had me shuttled between highs and lows. no neutral grounds. i want hello's and hate goodbye's. i look at this bit of european trip as a marvellous gift, and a quiet acknowledgement that, yes, the sense of wonder and amazement and surprise is still not lost on me.
even if i now define wonder and amazement and surprise in another perspective. perhaps, a wiser and an aged perspective.
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