
I skipped the usual schedule to do BS in Valenzuela today and extended my Christmas vacation just a wee bit. Today, my Avanza has exceeded 15,000 kms and had to be sent back to the Toyota shop for the necessary maintenance. I was accommodated well in their morning schedule even if I had no prior appointment and was grateful to Carlo for his arrangements. P5,717.00 later, my car strode along Macapagal as if new.
Bought one book, Jessica Zafra’s “Twisted 9”.
Had my first Haagen Dazs of the year, my favorite Macadamia Nuts!
Had my first Sangria and frozen Margarita with Loren, Dolly, Jeff, Tony and Nori at Mexicali.
I pray these small packets of “happiness” continue round the year.
Genesis 4-9
Genesis 4:7 “If you do what is right, will you not be accepted?
I am my brother’s keeper.
Don’t let the love that you poured in my heart turn cold.
I love loving – maybe not as great as yours for me, Lord – but I want to love.
Genesis 6:6 “The LORD was grieved that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was filled with pain.”
This has to be the saddest verse in the entire Bible.
I do not want to harbor any bitter thoughts in my heart, nor do I want to patronize my ever-lurking wicked ways. I want to be the good you have always intended for me to be.
I wonder what Cain’s mark was.
And isn’t it wonderful – another sign of God’s love – that in spite of his sin, he was marked so as not to be hurt?
I wonder what Ham did to his father Noah that merited a curse? Could it be a mere voyeuristic feat into Noah’s nakedness? Or…?
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