
I love doing the publications part of my job.
It is the budgeting that is really challenging, nerve-wracking, stomach-twisting, ulcer-inducing and mentally taxing for me.
But knowing the challenge attached to the work, it makes me bury my neck deeper into it, hoping that when I lift my head up, the figures are balanced and well-managed.
Today, talking to Church Strengthening Ministries about the line up of books to be published this year pumps my adrenaline high. One of the line-ups is to do – the Lord willing – my first book.
In my head, I like to give it this title:
25 Liberating Life Lessons Learned
from my Pastor
God, please, please, please keep me grounded!!!
Genesis 16-19
When you think about it, many things we interpret as “wrong” were allowed by God to happen, and we attribute that to his permissive will. What if it is really meant to be? If God allowed Ishmael to be borne of Hagar, what business is it of ours? If Abraham had been to weak to impose himself on Sarah, who are we to judge?
Abraham’s concern about Ishmael as voiced out in 17:18 was touching but reeked of helplessness. Thank God, he hears, even the whispers of the heart!
God hears what we say and knows what we think and doubt about.
Nothing is hidden.
He knows all the reasons for our smiles and laughter, whether in jest, in ridicule, in disbelief and in the purity of it all.
Hear how Abraham reasoned with God. Only practice can do that. And what intercession! What prayer! What love!
Two oldest sexual no-no’s: homosexuality as in Sodom and incest as in Lot and his daughters. What can I say? What do I think? My skin creeps at what my heart keeps.
Lord, strengthen me not to dwell on my past, lest I became a pillar of salt. Dead to the present, dead to possibilities of redemption, dead to the promises of tomorrow.
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