
The House in Laguna
a haven of rest.
Especially in the company of friends
and A New Friend.
ANF is pleasant to the eye.
ANF is suspiciously gentle.
ANF is an epitome of a possible Significant Other.
ANF is prayed not to cause havoc.
May ANF be true.
May ANF be sincere.
May ANF be loyal.
may ANF not cause too much ripples.
Know however that
ANF is not mine.
Numbers 21-24
Snakes for Grumblers
Numbers 21:6-9
The people grumbled.
The Lord sent snakes.
Moses prayed to the Lord for the people.
The Lord instructed to make a snake pole.
It is called Nehushtan. (see 2 Kings 18:4)
People look at the bronze snake on the pole and got healed.
How so?
They have to believe that by looking, they get healed and live.
Like looking at Jesus on the cross.
Believing that through his life, the sinner gets saved and gain eternal life.
The invasions begin.
The Balak-Balaam Episode
Numbers 22-24
The promise of reward, ergo, bribe makes one lose his discernment.
When God said in v12, “Do not go with them…” was it necessary for Balaam to return and inquire of God again?
Even if God seems to say “Yes” – discern. Is it a “testy” yes? Is it a yes-yes?
Numbers 23:19
God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?
Why be confronted by a talking donkey?
The beneficiary is always beholden to the benefactor!
God blesses those he wishes to bless.
And curse those he wishes to curse.
Greed will not overcome God’s will.
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