there have been several instances during the last couple of weeks when my tear ducts would simply swell without any provocation and would let a flood of tears sweep through, past the eyelashes, the wrinkled cracks on my face, down the numbness of olay-aided face skin - until i could actually taste the salty texture of the fluid. and mind you - no emotions at all. one night, i was watching a replay of the serena williams - maria sharapova australian open final and tears just popped out of my eyes with gusto! strange.
i made mention of this to an officemate whose brother-in-law is a doctor, and i was told that when fatigue and stress combine to wear the body out, that experience is triggered.
i must admit that my third semester back in school has been a monumental struggle. 23 units of college load on top of pressure-building demands at work (especially meeting deadlines in my publications department) take toll on the body and the mind. something suffers. something dies. my enthusiasm has been dampened a bit because i could not cope with the mental exercises: juggling schedules to do assignments, preparing for quizzes, reviewing for exams, doing group projects. it does not help at all that algebra is on the table. it takes me hours to review lessons which a mathematics-inclined student can so smoothly articulate in a song! i've lost the competitive edge. i've given up participation in recitations for fear of embarrassing or being embarrassed by a teacher.
last week, i went to the registrar's office to inquire about the possibility of graduating with honors. the bummer was this: even if i re-enrolled all previously credited subjects and take it to the maximum limit of 100% marks, i will still not qualify to graduate with honors because of my transferee status. that stung, because it means no matter what excellence you deliver in the three-and-a-half year at school, you will not get recognized because you are a "mestizo". a bit shallow, if i'm allowed to ridicule the rule.
at work, the one-book-a-month challenge is also working its way against me. i hardly find time to do a bit of relaxing, as in between my mini-breaks, i need to continue scouting from the treasure trove of materials transcriptions that could be culled together to form a book. heaps of reading undo the eyes and i won't be surprised if one day, i end up blind.
i miss my friends. i phoned to say hello to manfred one evening and just hearing him on the other line brought out an emotional outburst which i thought surprised manfred a lot. he was solicitous and comforting soon after, even asking if i wanted to fly over to schwaebisch gmuend.
there's the trip to california scheduled in april. i'm torn between going and staying because i actually do not like to be away too long. travelling is not part of the immediate 5-year plan. and the O/C in me squirms at sudden departures from already established and well laid-out goals.
i danced before a large crowd at the student center auditorium and felt like fish out of water. why do i put myself in such compromising situations just because i do not want to disappoint my teachers? i hope this thing changes next semester when i could call my shots and be vocal about them.
and there's the subplot on my "adopted son" ralph and his i-love-her-but-can't-tell-her love story with someone who he thinks is a girl of superior breed from fairyland and i play out the role of a fatherly cushion ready to catch him when he falls. ralph is a nice boy who needs help with his long-range planning and in also boosting his confidence a bit.
there's too much to rant about. but guess what? i've written all of the above as representations of thoughts that found their way into this particular blog entry when all the while the only thing that i like to do is check if my computer can upload the image on top. it can!
crazy image. crazy thoughts.
and none matters.